Therapy Techniques From Ancient Teachings
This is a brand new course which I will be teaching one to one via Zoom Video sessions. I am super excited to explore these traditional therapy & healing techniques. If you are already an experienced practitioner they will enable you to expand your repertoire of therapies on offer. Alternatively, use the course for your own well-being to explore healing which has been around for over 3000 years.

What's Included:
14 Weekly sessions covering all 11 modules taught one-to-one via Zoom video with Beverley Anne Freeman.
PDF's & Worksheets
Certificate of Completion on email free of charge, hardcopies £8.00 extra certified by the Holistic Therapist Standards Bureau.
1. Taoism
We’ll explore the various doctrines of Taoism including the ethics, cosmology, and the theology of Taoism, the various core texts, main symbols, rituals practised in Taoist festivals, and the physical practices connected to Taoism.
2. Feng Shui x 2 Sessions
The principle behind feng shui is that all objects (living and inanimate) contain qi (or chi). Qi is a form of energy that is constantly moving and changing. The goal of feng shui is to keep qi flowing gently through your environment rather than running straight through it. If it becomes stuck or blocked, qi can hurt your environment. Learn how to use these principles in the environment around you.
3. Introduction to Buddhism x 2 sessions
There are many scriptures or canons, with long descriptions of Buddha’s teachings; over the centuries, these have been distilled down to simple guiding philosophies or ‘disciplines’, which are commonly practised in all Buddhist monastic communities. While these disciplines can seem slightly daunting to learn, it is worth taking the time to study his main teachings of The Four Noble Truths and The Eightfold Pathway, this is what we will learn in this section.
4. Sufi meditation techniques
Sufism is the esoteric path within Islam, where the goal is to purify oneself and achieve a mystical union with the Supreme (named Allah in this tradition). The practitioners of Sufism are called Sufis, and they follow a variety of spiritual practices, many of which were influenced by the tradition of Yoga in India. In this section, we will explore Sufi meditation techniques.
5. Ayurveda principles
The ancient Indian medical system, also known as Ayurveda, is based on ancient writings that rely on a “natural” and holistic approach to physical and mental health. Ayurvedic medicine is one of the world’s oldest medical systems and remains one of India’s traditional healthcare systems. Ayurvedic treatment combines products (mainly derived from plants, but may also include animal, metal, and mineral), diet, exercise, and lifestyle. We will learn about this fantastic approach to wellbeing.
6. Ayurveda what to eat
Continuing from the previous session we look at Ayurvedic nutrition for balance and health.
7. An Introduction to traditional Chinese medicine
Step into the world of ancient healing practices held in Traditional Chinese Medicine. In this module, we take a comprehensive overview of the philosophies, techniques, and applications of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in the modern world. It's the perfect starting point for those keen on integrating ancient wisdom with contemporary practices.
8. Qi gong energy work
Qi means "energy" and Gong means "the refined skill" so simply put, Qigong means the skill of working with the body's energy. In this module, you will learn how to practice Qigong to help find greater mobility, balance your emotions, rid yourself of toxins, sharpen your concentration and tap into peak performance.
9. Yoga - breathwork for mind, body & Spirit
Breathwork and Pranayama are the most powerful tools to improve your mental and physical health. More and more scientific studies have proven mental benefits like stress reduction, insomnia prevention, and emotion control as well as physical benefits like pain relief and a boost to the immune system. This is why Breathwork and Pranayama practice is becoming so popular right now. We will visit all 15 powerful Pranayama techniques, and learn how to strengthen the mind and meditate. Overall you will get a sound understanding of the workings of your mind and emotional system.
10. Kundalini Yoga x 2 Sessions
In this section, the numerous benefits of incorporating Kundalini yoga into your life are highlighted and you will broaden your knowledge of the Chakras, which are an integral part of this practice. Prānayama (breathing techniques) and chanting, lie at the heart of Kundalini yoga. You will be guided through three essential Prānayama – ‘Breath of Fire’, ‘long deep breathing’ and ‘alternate nostril breathing’ and several important Kundalini mantra chants that are used at the start and end of each Kundalini yoga session.
11. Pagan rituals and remedies
We look at both the characteristics and purposes of Pagan rituals, exploring some of the techniques that are used in various ceremonies or simple daily rituals. Such techniques include evoking and invoking, along with centring, grounding and shielding. We will also look at working with deities and explore some of the different times and reasons that you might call upon the gods and goddesses.
The course will cost £695.00